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Gender and Sexuality

Gender and Sexuality is one of the thematic Fields of Emphasis for the History major. The major requirement in the thematic fields of emphasis is the same as in the “geographical” fields. For example, the field of emphasis requirement in Gender and Sexuality can be satisfied by taking three of the courses listed under below (or equivalent, such as EAP and transfer courses to be petitioned). 

Course List

Please refer to Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer Courses for course offerings.

CGS 105 : Queer History/Theory (by petition)

HIEA 125: Women and Gender in East Asia

HIEA 137: Women and Family in China (+)

HIEA 138: Women & the Chinese Revolution

HIEA 144: Topics: Queer Korea

HIEA 162: History of Women in China

HIEA 167: Chinese Family History

HIEU 108: Sex and Politics in the Ancient World (+)

HIEU 133: Gender in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Mediterranean (+)

HIEU 140: History of Women and Gender in Europe: From the French Revolution to the Present

HIEU 147: Women in Europe: Middle Ages-Early Modern Era (+)

HIEU 147A: Women in the Middle Ages (+)

HIEU 148: European Women: Enlightenment-Victorian Era (+)

HIEU 149: History of Women in Europe: 1870 to the Present

HIEU 180: Topics in European Women’s History

HISC 103: Gender and Science in Historical Perspective

HISC 167: Gender and Science

HIRE 115: Women in Chinese Religions

HILA 161: Women in Latin America

HILA 164:  Women’s Work and Family Life

HITO 106: How Jewish Women Lived in Modern Times

HITO 106: Love & Family in the Jewish Past

HITO 164: Gender Differences in Historical Perspective

HIUS 115: History of Sexuality in the U.S.

HIUS 130: Cultural History from 1607 to Civil War (+)

HIUS 131: Cultural History from the Civil War to the Present

HIUS 156: American Womanhood (to 1870) (+)

HIUS 157: American Womanhood (1870 to present)

HIUS 172: Feminist Traditions in America

HIUS 173: Topics in American Women’s history

HIUS 176: Race and Sexual Politics

Please Note: The Degree Audit will not automatically pick up the courses for a Thematic Emphasis. The Undergraduate Advisor must enter the courses manually. Once you have completed the three courses for this Thematic field, please message the Undergraduate Advisor via the Virtual Advising Center (VAC) with: 
1. the Thematic Emphasis you would like listed
2. a list of the three courses you have taken and passed that will fulfill the Thematic Emphasis requirement