- rklein@ucsd.edu
- (858) 534-6777
9500 Gilman Dr
Mail Code: 0104
La Jolla , California 92093
Professor and Academic Senate Distinguished Teacher
Rachel N. Klein teaches courses in U.S. cultural history from the 18th through the 19th centuries. She was educated at Wesleyan University (BA) and at Yale University (Ph.D.) Her past research and publications dealt with the American South and the politics of slavery during the Revolutionary and Early National Eras. More recently, her research has focused on 19th century art institutions and the changing meanings of art exhibition.
Art Wars: The Politics of Taste in Ninteenth Century New York (University of Pennsylvania Press, Spring 2020)
Unification of a Slave State: The Rise of the Planter Class in the South Carolina Backcountry (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press for the Institute of Early American History and Culture, 1990)
“Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Domestication of Free Labor Ideology, Legacy, Vol. 18, No. 2 (2001)
“Art Museums and Public Life in Historical Perspective” Intellectual History Newsletter Vol. 23 (2001)
“Art and Authority in Antebellum New York City: The Rise and Fall of the American Art-Union,” Journal of American History (March 1995)
"Frontier Planters and the American Revolution: The South Carolina Backcountry, 1775-1782" in An Uncivil War: The Southern Backcountry During the American Revolution, edited by Ronald Hoffman, Thad W. Tate, and Peter J. Albert (Charlottesville, Va., 1985)
Reprinted in Paul D. Escott and David R. Goldfield, Major Problems in the History of the American South, Volume I: The Old South (Lexington, Mass., DC Heath and Co., 1990)
“Ordering the Backcountry: The South Carolina Regulation” William and Mary Quarterly (Oct, 1981)